Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Mini Africa Savanna in Wonderful Indonesia "Baluran National Park"

 Baluran National Park protects pasture animals such as buffalo, buffalo, deer, long-tailed monkey and long-tailed bird, peacock. You can see where they are grazing in the middle of the savanna. Every now and then, a herd of deer will cross your vehicle that is passing the road. This scene is often found in pastures like this. It is as if you will be taken far to jump to Africa with such a situation.


The area of ​​Baluran National Park is 25 thousand hectares. The location of Baluran National Park is included in Wonorejo village, Banyuputih sub-district, Situbondo district, East Java. Actually, this Baluran area is located on the border of Situbondo and Banyuwangi districts. Many people call the Baluran Situbondo National Park, others also call the Baluran Banyuwangi National Park. It's simple, because the location of this park is closer to Banyuwangi than Situbondo district.

For ticket prices on domestic weekdays, Rp. 15,000 per day and abroad Rp. 150,000 per day, groups of students or students Rp. 8,000 per day, 2 wheels Rp. 5,000 per day, 4 wheels Rp. 10,000 per day, minbus or trucks Rp. 50,000 per day.

On domestic holidays Rp. 17,500 per day, foreign countries Rp. 225,000 per day, student groups or students Rp. 9,500 per day. 2 wheel Rp 7,500 per day, car Rp 15,000 per day, minibus or truck Rp 75,000 per day.

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