Pulo Cinta has a very unique historical story. Once upon a time during the Dutch colonial era, this island became a place of escape between the Prince of Gorontalo and the daughter of one of the Dutch traders. When that war broke out and was expelled from the local community. As a result their love is not condoned. They finally chose to break away and isolate the Pulo Cinta.
The Pulo Cinta natural tourism destination is perfect as a honeymoon spot for a new friend to get married, this Gorontalo island is located in Tomini Bay, Patoameme Village, Botumoito District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province, North Sulawesi. The distance is indeed quite far, if calculated travel from the city of Gorontalo which is about 115 kilometers or takes about 3 hours by road or any bay.
To visit Pulo Cinta, you have to take a flight to Jalaluddin Airport and continue the journey to Bolihutuo Beach. Only then will you board the ship for approximately 15 minutes to reach this Pulo Cinta.
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