Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Query advance SQL database employee

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--------  01. Calculation                 --------

Select * From Employee
Select * From EmployeeAttendance

-- Maximum, Minimum, Total
-- You can put an Alias Name for the Field
-- Example: Field Sum(HourlyWage) will be Field Total_HourlyWage
Max(HourlyWage) as Max_HourlyWage,
Min(HourlyWage) as Min_HourlyWage,
Sum(HourlyWage) as Total_HourlyWage
From Employee

-- Count record
-- Syntax 'Group By' is used for grouping
Select JobTitle, Count(EmployeeId) as Count_Record From Employee Group By JobTitle

-- Declare Variable
Declare @a int, @b int, @x money, @y money

-- Set Value
Set @a = 5
Set @b = 3
Set @x = 5
Set @y = 3

-- Add, Substract, Multiply
@a + @b as Result_Add,
@a - @b as Result_Substract,
@a * @b as Result_Multiply

-- Divide
-- Data type Integer will have no decimal point
-- Data type Money will have decimal point
@a / @b as Divide_Integer,
@x / @y as Divide_Money

-- Modulo adalah sisa bagi
-- 5 dibagi 3 menghasilkan bilangan bulat 1
-- Kemudian sisa baginya adalah 5 - 3 = 2
Select @a % @b as Result_Modulo

-- Round some digit after comma
Select Round(@x / @y, 2) as Round_Money

-- Floor is to round down until no decimal point
Select Floor(@x / @y) as Round_Money

--------  02. String                      --------

-- Left take some character from the left string
-- Example: 3 characters from the left string
-- Right take some character from the right string
-- Example: 5 characters from the right string
Select Left(Address, 3) + ' ' + Right(Address, 5) as Alamat From Employee

-- Substring take some character from the starting point to the ending point
-- Len is to count the length of a string
-- Example: The starting point is 5, the ending point is depending on the length of Field Address
Select Substring(Address, 5, Len(Address)) as Alamat From Employee

-- Replace character
Select Replace(JobTitle, 'g', 'j') as Jabatan From Employee

-- Lower & Upper case
Select Lower(FirstName) as FirstName, Upper(LastName) as LastName From Employee

--------  03. Date                        --------

-- Convert data type Datetime to a specific format string
-- Format 103 = dd/MM/yyyy
-- Format 108 = HH:mm:ss
-- For complete format string:  www.sqlusa.com/bestpractices2005/centurydateformat
Select FirstName, Convert(varchar(10), DOB, 103) as DOB From Employee
Select EmployeeId, Convert(varchar(8), SignInDate, 108) as SignInTime From EmployeeAttendance Where Convert(varchar(10), SignInDate, 103) = '12/05/2020'

-- Date Basic Syntax
GetDate() as Current_DateTime,
DatePart(year, GetDate()) as Current_Year,
DatePart(month, GetDate()) as Current_Month,
DatePart(day, GetDate()) as Current_Day,
DatePart(weekday, GetDate()) as Current_DayOfTheWeek,
DateName(month, GetDate()) as Current_MonthName,
DateName(weekday, GetDate()) as Current_DayName,
DateAdd(day, 7, GetDate()) as Next_Week

-- DateDiff is to count the difference between starting date and ending date
Select FirstName, DateDiff(year, DOB, GetDate()) as Age From Employee

Query Basic SQL database employee

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--------  01. Add Record                  --------

-- Recommended
-- Tell the Field Name
INSERT INTO Department (DepartmentNo, DepartmentName)
VALUES (1, 'Restaurant')

INSERT INTO Department (DepartmentNo, DepartmentName)
VALUES (2, 'Bar')

INSERT INTO Department (DepartmentNo, DepartmentName)
VALUES (3, 'Lounge')

-- Not recommended
-- Not telling the Field Name
-- This will be considered as you tell all the Field Name
VALUES (1, 'Lunch', '08:00:00', '15:59:59')

VALUES (2, 'Dinner', '16:00:00', '22:00:00')

VALUES (3, 'Midnite', '00:00:00', '03:59:59')

-- Another way, using Query Select
-- When you want to put some condition
-- Example: Increase number by 1 for EmployeeId when adding
-- Syntax 'Max' is to get the maximum value
-- Syntax 'Coalesce' is to handle null (no value) and you put the replacement for it
-- Query Select below only get the EmployeeId value from Table Employee, the rest value is manually written
INSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, DOB, Sex, Address, Phone, JoinDate, HourlyWage, Active, JobTitle, DepartmentNo, ShiftNo)
Select Coalesce(Max(EmployeeId), 0)+1, 'Agatha', 'Christie',  '1976-01-12', 'F', 'New Jersey 50891', '5554961', '2010-01-01', 62500, '1', 'Manager', 1, 1
From Employee

INSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, DOB, Sex, Address, Phone, JoinDate, HourlyWage, Active, JobTitle, DepartmentNo, ShiftNo)
Select Coalesce(Max(EmployeeId), 0)+1, 'Ben', 'Hecht',  '1984-02-28', 'M', 'New York 50793', '5557373', '2015-10-01', 31250, '1', 'Staff', 1, 1
From Employee

INSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, DOB, Sex, Address, Phone, JoinDate, HourlyWage, Active, JobTitle, DepartmentNo, ShiftNo)
Select Coalesce(Max(EmployeeId), 0)+1, 'Clive', 'Lewis',  '1983-11-22', 'M', 'Los Angeles 50246', '5559449', '2013-06-01', 50000, '1', 'Supervisor', 2, 2
From Employee

INSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, DOB, Sex, Address, Phone, JoinDate, HourlyWage, Active, JobTitle, DepartmentNo, ShiftNo)
Select Coalesce(Max(EmployeeId), 0)+1, 'Debra', 'Granik',  '1985-05-05', 'F', 'Las Vegas 50246', '5551234', '2015-06-01', 31250, '1', 'Staff', 2, 2
From Employee

-- When meet field with IDENTITY type, do not tell the Field Name
-- That IDENTITY field will be automatically increased by SQL
-- Example: IDENTITY field for this Table is LogId, so do not tell Field LogId
INSERT INTO EmployeeAttendance (EmployeeId, SignInDate, SignOutDate, Remark)
VALUES (1, '2020-05-11 08:00:00', '2020-05-11 16:00:00', '')

INSERT INTO EmployeeAttendance (EmployeeId, SignInDate, SignOutDate, Remark)
VALUES (2, '2020-05-11 08:45:00', '2020-05-11 16:30:00', '')

INSERT INTO EmployeeAttendance (EmployeeId, SignInDate, SignOutDate, Remark)
VALUES (3, '2020-05-11 16:15:00', '2020-05-12 00:15:00', '')

INSERT INTO EmployeeAttendance (EmployeeId, SignInDate, SignOutDate, Remark)
VALUES (1, '2020-05-12 08:00:00', '2020-05-12 16:00:00', '')

INSERT INTO EmployeeAttendance (EmployeeId, SignInDate, SignOutDate, Remark)
VALUES (2, '2020-05-12 07:45:00', '2020-05-12 16:00:00', '')

INSERT INTO EmployeeAttendance (EmployeeId, SignInDate, SignOutDate, Remark)
VALUES (3, '2020-05-12 16:15:00', '', '')

INSERT INTO EmployeeAttendance (EmployeeId, SignInDate, SignOutDate, Remark)
VALUES (4, '2020-05-12 16:00:00', '', '')

--------  02. Update Record               --------

UPDATE ShiftDetail
SET EndTime='23:59:59'
WHERE ShiftNo=2

--------  03. Delete Record               --------

WHERE ShiftNo=3

--------  04. Get Data                    --------

Select * From ShiftDetail
Select * From Department
Select * From Employee
Select * From EmployeeAttendance

-- Distinct record
Select Distinct Sex From Employee

-- Sort by a field
Select LastName, FirstName From Employee Order By LastName

-- Sort descending, get 1 biggest record
Select Top 1 * From Employee Order By HourlyWage desc

-- Condition '>=' (Greater Than Or Equal)
-- Condition 'And'
-- Condition 'Or'
Select * From Employee Where HourlyWage>=50000 And (DepartmentNo=1 Or ShiftNo=2)

-- Condition '<>' (Not Equal)
-- Condition 'Like'
Select * From Employee Where JobTitle<>'Staff' And FirstName Like '%Aga%'

-- Condition 'Between x And y' (Value Range)
-- Condition 'In' specified values
Select * From Employee Where HourlyWage Between 10000 And 50000 And FirstName In ('Ben', 'Clive')

-- Condition 'Exists' is to check the existence from another table
-- Inside the condition 'Exists', on Query Select, the Field DepartmentName is only a formality, you can tell whatever Field Name you want, it will not be used later
-- Inside the condition 'Exists', on Query Select, at condition 'Where', must have a 'bridge' between Query Select inside the 'Exists' and the main Query Select, the 'bridge' is Field DepartmentNo
-- Syntax 'Case' is like an 'IF-THEN' logic
EmployeeId, FirstName,
When Sex='F' Then 'Female'
When Sex='M' Then 'Male'
Else 'Transgender'
End as Gender
From Employee
Where Exists (Select DepartmentName From Department Where Department.DepartmentNo=Employee.DepartmentNo And DepartmentName='Bar')

SQL Create Table Database Employee

0 komentar
DepartmentNo int not null default 0,
DepartmentName varchar(20) not null default ''

ShiftNo int not null default 0,
ShiftName varchar(20) not null default '',
StartTime varchar(8) not null default '08:00:00',
EndTime varchar(8) not null default '16:00:00'

EmployeeId int not null default 0,
FirstName varchar(20) not null default '',
LastName varchar(20) not null default '',
DOB datetime not null default '1900-01-01',
Sex varchar(1) not null default 'M',
Address varchar(50) not null default '',
Phone varchar(20) not null default '',
JoinDate datetime not null default '1900-01-01',
HourlyWage money not null default 0,
Active bit not null default '1',
JobTitle varchar(20) not null default '',
DepartmentNo int not null default 0

CREATE TABLE EmployeeAttendance
LogId int identity(1,1) not null,
EmployeeId int not null default 0,
SignInDate datetime not null default '1900-01-01',
SignOutDate datetime not null default '1900-01-01',
Remark varchar(50) not null default ''

CREATE TABLE EmployeeReport
ReportNo int not null default 0,
ReportDate datetime not null default '1900-01-01',
EmployeeId int not null default 0,
StartDate datetime not null default '1900-01-01',
EndDate datetime not null default '1900-01-01',
WorkingHour varchar(20) not null default '',
LateMinute int not null default 0

--------  03. Add Field On Table          --------

ADD ShiftNo int not null default 0

--------  04. Change Data Type On Field   --------

ALTER TABLE EmployeeAttendance
ALTER COLUMN Remark varchar(100)

oracle database work

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Oracle database is a collection of physical operating system files or disks (in the simplest terms). Oracle instance is set of Oracle background processes or threads and a shared memory area, which is memory that is shared across those threads or processes running on a single computer. There are basically 9 Processes but in a general system we need to mention the first five background processes.They do the housekeeping activities for the Oracle and are common in any system.
The various background processes in oracle.
1) Database Writer(DBWR) :
Database Writer Writes Modified blocks from Database buffer cache to Data Files.This is required since the data is not written whenever a transaction is committed.
2)LogWriter(LGWR) :
Log Writer writes the redo log entries to disk. Redo Log data is generated in redo log buffer of SGA. As transaction commits and log buffer fills, LGWR writes log entries into a online redo log file.
3) System Monitor(SMON) :
The System Monitor performs instance recovery at instance startup. This is useful for recovery from system failure
4)Process Monitor(PMON) :
The Process Monitor performs process recovery when user Process fails. Pmon Clears and Frees resources that process was using.
5) CheckPoint(CKPT) :
At Specified times, all modified database buffers in SGA are written to data files by DBWR at Checkpoints and Updating all data files and control files of database to indicate the most recent checkpoint
6)Archives(ARCH) :
The Archiver copies online redo log files to archival storage when they are busy.
7) Recoverer(RECO) :
The Recoverer is used to resolve the distributed transaction in network
8) Dispatcher (Dnnn) :
The Dispatcher is useful in Multi Threaded Architecture
9) Lckn :
We can have up to 10 lock processes for inter instance locking in parallel sql

Monday, May 11, 2020

How dangerous is the coronavirus 2020

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The coronavirus is extremely dangerous, and I suspect that the danger is currently being underplayed by the world medical community to minimize panic as we prepare for the worst.
Covid-19 is deadly, although fatality rates skyrocket for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

First and foremost, it is really important to know that as of today (February 17, 2020), there is still much we do not know about SARS-CoV-2 (i.e. the official name of the novel coronavirus) and COVID-19 (i.e. the official name of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2). This uncertainty makes this question difficult to answer with a short or simple response.
However, epidemiologists and scientists from around the world are making rapid and significant real-time progress in understanding the nature of this novel coronavirus. Earlier today, a comprehensive report from the China CDC was released on over 70,000 individual cases in China, which included data for 99% of confirmed cases globally as of February 11th, 2020.
As I stated at the very beginning, there are still many unknowns out there. That is why there is no simple answer to the question of how dangerous this thing really is. Among others:
  • There is no vaccine against COVID-19 (one that can be deployed safely at scale)
  • We are still unsure about how contagious this is in people that are infected but asymptomatic
  • We do not know how many people are infected, because (very likely) many people are infected and not yet identified for a variety of reasons
  • We do not know exactly why infection and/or mortality rates for young people are so much lower
  • We do not know how countries with less-developed healthcare systems will be able to cope with potential outbreaks
  • SARS-CoV-2 will continue to mutate and evolve (although scientists aren’t that worried about this)
  • It’s hard to predict the second-order effects (e.g. policy under/over-reaction, economic disruption, etc.)

What is the difference between DBMS and SQL

DBMS is a system and SQL is a language
DBMS (Database Management System)
A DBMS is a software for creating and managing databases. The DBMS provides users with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data. It is a middleware between the database which store all the data and the users or applications which need to interact with that stored database. A DBMS can limit what data the end user sees, as well as how that end user can view the data, providing many views of a single database schema
SQL (Structured Query Language)
SQL is the programming language which is used to access this DBMS and the database. It is the language in which you write the command regarding how and what to access in the database. In the figure above, API is what is SQL. The APP or the USER writes SQL commands which are processed by the DBMS
We use the DBMS system along with SQL for querying data in the database.
Now, for knowing the difference, you must understand one thing that is - in SQL we can see the data we want by asking a query, while DBMS optimizes the query and show us the data.
Let’s understand it with the example -
Suppose, you have a table that contains details of different persons such as name, age, gender, mobile number, address etc.
Now, if you want to see the mobile number of a person, you simply gave a query to DBMS, DBMS here starts working, catches query and finally, it will show you the mobile number of that person.
A DBMS (database management system) is a software system that allows you to store and retrieve data in an efficient and organized manner.
SQL is a formal language that allows you to communicate with many DBMS to insert, query, update, delete the content.
A large subset of the DBMS uses SQL, most notably almost all so-called "relational" DBMS. However, there are non-relational DBMS that use SQL (e.g. IDMS), and relational DBMS that don't use SQL (in particular the early versions of Ingres and Postgres)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Spiderman : Homeless Recent Buzz about the Exit of Spiderman Franchise from MCU

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In a Sony statement to USA TODAY Tuesday night, the studio said the outstanding issue remained over the future involvement of Marvel President, and comic movie mastermind, Kevin Feige as producer in future Spider-man films.

So when the two companies agreed to share his rights in 2015, it felt like a homecoming -- Spider-Man was finally able to appear in films in the Marvel Universe.
Now played by Tom Holland, the character has appeared in five Marvel movies since that deal -- most recently this year's "Spider-Man: Far From Home."

 If Sony and Disney can't come to a deal, Spidey might not be in Marvel movies in the near future – but he probably wouldn't be anyway, unless for some reason he was supposed to be in "Black Widow" or "The Eternals," the MCU's next two films (which is highly doubtful). There's plenty of time to work stuff out.

Pulo Cinta Resort is an Indonesian Maldives

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Pulo Cinta has a very unique historical story. Once upon a time during the Dutch colonial era, this island became a place of escape between the Prince of Gorontalo and the daughter of one of the Dutch traders. When that war broke out and was expelled from the local community. As a result their love is not condoned. They finally chose to break away and isolate the Pulo Cinta.

The Pulo Cinta natural tourism destination is perfect as a honeymoon spot for a new friend to get married, this Gorontalo island is located in Tomini Bay, Patoameme Village, Botumoito District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province, North Sulawesi. The distance is indeed quite far, if calculated travel from the city of Gorontalo which is about 115 kilometers or takes about 3 hours by road or any bay.

To visit Pulo Cinta, you have to take a flight to Jalaluddin Airport and continue the journey to Bolihutuo Beach. Only then will you board the ship for approximately 15 minutes to reach this Pulo Cinta.

Mini Africa Savanna in Wonderful Indonesia "Baluran National Park"

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 Baluran National Park protects pasture animals such as buffalo, buffalo, deer, long-tailed monkey and long-tailed bird, peacock. You can see where they are grazing in the middle of the savanna. Every now and then, a herd of deer will cross your vehicle that is passing the road. This scene is often found in pastures like this. It is as if you will be taken far to jump to Africa with such a situation.


The area of ​​Baluran National Park is 25 thousand hectares. The location of Baluran National Park is included in Wonorejo village, Banyuputih sub-district, Situbondo district, East Java. Actually, this Baluran area is located on the border of Situbondo and Banyuwangi districts. Many people call the Baluran Situbondo National Park, others also call the Baluran Banyuwangi National Park. It's simple, because the location of this park is closer to Banyuwangi than Situbondo district.

For ticket prices on domestic weekdays, Rp. 15,000 per day and abroad Rp. 150,000 per day, groups of students or students Rp. 8,000 per day, 2 wheels Rp. 5,000 per day, 4 wheels Rp. 10,000 per day, minbus or trucks Rp. 50,000 per day.

On domestic holidays Rp. 17,500 per day, foreign countries Rp. 225,000 per day, student groups or students Rp. 9,500 per day. 2 wheel Rp 7,500 per day, car Rp 15,000 per day, minibus or truck Rp 75,000 per day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Most Romantic married Dwayne Johnson and Lauren Hashian

0 komentar

Dwayne Johnson was born in Hayward, California, United States, May 2, 1972.
47 years old is an American actor and professional wrestler at WWE known 
as "The Rock". recently conducted a romantic marriage with an actress
named Lauren Hashian. He announced the news in an Instagram post,
featuring the couple with their arms above their heads and giant smiles
plastered on their faces.Pink and blue clouds are scattered above an
ocean backdrop, and the caption is simple: "We do. August 18th, 2019.
Hawaii. Pmamaʻi (blessed)."Johnson and Hashian, 34, first met in 2006
while the actor was filming The Game Plan and started dating in 2007.
They share daughters Jasmine, 3, and Tiana, 16 months.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Configure IP address on router using the Setup command

0 komentar
[admin@MikroTik] > setup
  Setup uses Safe Mode. It means that all changes that are made during setup
are reverted in case of error, or if [Ctrl]+[C] is used to abort setup. To keep
changes exit setup using the [X] key.

[Safe Mode taken]
  Choose options by pressing one of the letters in the left column, before
dash. Pressing [X] will exit current menu, pressing Enter key will select the
entry that is marked by an '*'. You can abort setup at any time by pressing
Entries marked by '+' are already configured.
Entries marked by '-' cannot be used yet.
Entries marked by 'X' cannot be used without installing additional packages.
   r - reset all router configuration
 + l - load interface driver
 * a - configure ip address and gateway
   d - setup dhcp client
   s - setup dhcp server
   p - setup pppoe client
   t - setup pptp client
   x - exit menu
your choice [press Enter to configure ip address and gateway]: a

To configure IP address and gateway, press a or [Enter], if the a choice is marked with an asterisk symbol ('*').

 * a - add ip address
 - g - setup default gateway
   x - exit menu
your choice [press Enter to add ip address]: a

Choose a to add an IP address. At first, setup will ask you for an interface to which the address will be assigned. If the setup offers you an undesirable interface, erase this choice, and press the [Tab] key twice to see all available interfaces. After the interface is chosen, assign IP address and network mask on it:

your choice: a
enable interface:
ether1  ether2  wlan1
enable interface: ether1
ip address/netmask:
#Enabling interface
/interface enable ether1
#Adding IP address
/ip address add address= interface=ether1 comment="added by setup"
 + a - add ip address
 * g - setup default gateway
   x - exit menu
your choice: x

basic configuration the Mikrotik

0 komentar
Before configuring the IP addresses and routes please check the /interface menu to see the list of available interfaces. If you have Plug-and-Play cards installed in the router, it is most likely that the device drivers have been loaded for them automatically, and the relevant interfaces appear on the /interface print

[admin@MikroTik] interface> print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running
 #    NAME                         TYPE             RX-RATE    TX-RATE    MTU
 0  R ether1                       ether            0          0          1500
 1  R ether2                       ether            0          0          1500
 2 X  wavelan1                     wavelan          0          0          1500
 3 X  prism1                       wlan             0          0          1500
[admin@MikroTik] interface>
The interfaces need to be enabled, if you want to use them for communications. Use the /interface enable name command to enable the interface with a given name or number, for example:

[admin@MikroTik] interface> print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running
 #    NAME                         TYPE             RX-RATE    TX-RATE    MTU
 0 X  ether1                       ether            0          0          1500
 1 X  ether2                       ether            0          0          1500
[admin@MikroTik] interface> enable 0
[admin@MikroTik] interface> enable ether2
[admin@MikroTik] interface> print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running
 #    NAME                         TYPE             RX-RATE    TX-RATE    MTU
 0  R ether1                       ether            0          0          1500
 1  R ether2                       ether            0          0          1500
[admin@MikroTik] interface>

Basics proxy setup for beginners

0 komentar
Normally you connect to the router by IP addresses with any telnet or SSH
client software (a simple text-mode telnet client is usually called telnet and
is distributed together with almost any OS). You can also use graphical
configuration tool for Windows (also can be run in Linux using Wine) called
Winbox. To get Winbox, connect to the router's IP address with a web
browser, and follow the link to download winbox.exe from the router.
MAC-telnet is used to connect to a router when there is no other way to
connect to it remotely if the router has no IP address or in case of
misconfigured firewall. MAC-telnet can only be used from the same
broadcast domain (so there should be no routers in between) as any of the
router's enabled interfaces (you can not connect to a disabled interface).
MAC-telnet program is a part of the Neighbor Viewer. Download it from
www.mikrotik.com, unpack both files contained in the archive to the same
directory, and run NeighborViewer.exe. A list of MikroTik routers working in
the same broadcast domain will be showed double-click the one you need to
connect to. Note that Winbox is also able to connect to routers by their MAC
addresses, and has the discovery tool built-in.
You can also connect to the router using a standard DB9 serial null-modem
cable from any PC. Default settings of the router's serial port are 9600 bits/s
(for RouterBOARD 500 series - 115200 bits/s), 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no
parity, hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control. Use terminal emulation program
(like HyperTerminal or SecureCRT in Windows, or minicom in UNIX/Linux) to
connect to the router. The router will beep twice when booted up, and you
should see the login prompt shortly before that (check cabling and serial
port settings if you do not see anything in the terminal window).
log/ -- System logs
quit -- Quit console
radius/ -- Radius client settings
certificate/ -- Certificate management
special-login/ -- Special login users
redo -- Redo previously undone action
driver/ -- Driver management
ping -- Send ICMP Echo packets
setup -- Do basic setup of system
interface/ -- Interface configuration
password -- Change password
undo -- Undo previous action
port/ -- Serial ports
import -- Run exported configuration script
snmp/ -- SNMP settings
user/ -- User management
file/ -- Local router file storage.
system/ -- System information and utilities
queue/ -- Bandwidth management
ip/ -- IP options
tool/ -- Diagnostics tools
ppp/ -- Point to Point Protocol
routing/ -- Various routing protocol settings
export --
[admin@MikroTik] ip>
.. -- go up to root
service/ -- IP services
socks/ -- SOCKS version 4 proxy
arp/ -- ARP entries management
upnp/ -- Universal Plug and Play
dns/ -- DNS settings
address/ -- Address management
accounting/ -- Traffic accounting
the-proxy/ --
vrrp/ -- Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
pool/ -- IP address pools
packing/ -- Packet packing settings
neighbor/ -- Neighbors
route/ -- Route management
firewall/ -- Firewall management
dhcp-client/ -- DHCP client settings
dhcp-relay/ -- DHCP relay settings
dhcp-server/ -- DHCP server settings
hotspot/ -- HotSpot management
ipsec/ -- IP security
web-proxy/ -- HTTP proxy
export --
[admin@MikroTik] ip>

MAC-telnet is used to connect to a router when there is no other way to
connect to it remotely if the router has no IP address or in case of
misconfigured firewall. MAC-telnet can only be used from the same
broadcast domain (so there should be no routers in between) as any of the
router's enabled interfaces (you can not connect to a disabled interface).
MAC-telnet program is a part of the Neighbor Viewer. Download it from
www.mikrotik.com, unpack both files contained in the archive to the same
directory, and run NeighborViewer.exe. A list of MikroTik routers working in
the same broadcast domain will be showed double-click the one you need to
connect to. Note that Winbox is also able to connect to routers by their MAC
addresses, and has the discovery tool built-in.
You can also connect to the router using a standard DB9 serial null-modem
cable from any PC. Default settings of the router's serial port are 9600 bits/s
(for RouterBOARD 500 series - 115200 bits/s), 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no
parity, hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control. Use terminal emulation program
(like HyperTerminal or SecureCRT in Windows, or minicom in UNIX/Linux) to
connect to the router. The router will beep twice when booted up, and you
should see the login prompt shortly before that (check cabling and serial port settings if you do not see anything in the terminal window).

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