This blog conveys some general information and about information technology
Friday, February 26, 2010

Guitar is one of the important instruments in a band, because besides keyboard, guitar is the music instrument that you can play to play many effects to make your music unique and interesting to hear. You must know that playing guitar is not only about the skill but also some devices that support your guitar to maximize your skills. That is why no matter how master you are in playing guitar; you still some guitar effect device to maximize your performance.
One of the important devices that you should have in this matter is Stimmmopped. Usually, people are spending a lot of times just to tune their guitar to find the perfect sound in the right frequency. However, today with this device, there is no more point of you to spend your time and energy to tune your guitar manually because this device is perfectly designed to help you tuning your guitar. How this device works is actually really simple, basically this device is checking the frequency of your guitar whether it is too strain or lose strain.
So, for the need of the perfect sound of your guitar, don’t look further because nothing can compare the reliability of Stimmmopped in providing you the sweetest sound of your guitar.

basic programming concepts
Associated with data collection is usually the basic kedokumen recording. After the input process is collected.
2. Input
This stage is the process of entering data into the computer through the input devices.
3. Process
This stage is processing data from the data that was inputted in the form of the process of counting to compare, sort, classify, control and looking at storage.
4. Output
This stage is a process to produce the output from data processing to the information output devices (monitors, speakers, etc.)
5. Distribution
This stage is the process of dissemination of information to the parties entitled to and need information.
6. Storage
This stage is the recording of data processing result storage that can later be used to input the next process.
- Defining the problem.
- Make a flowchart.
- Making the program.
- Program testing.
- Program documentation

Thursday, February 25, 2010
When you are together with that special someone, you pretend to ignore that person.
But when that special someone is not around, you might look around to find them.
At that moment, you are in love.Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh,your eyes and attention might go only to that special someone.
Then, you are in love.
If you are much more excited for one short e-mail fromthat special someone than other many long e-mails,you are in love.
When you get a couple of free movie tickets, you wouldnot hesitate to think of that special someone.
Then, you are in love.You keep telling yourself, "that special someone is just a friend", but you realize that you can not avoid that person's special attraction.
At that moment, you are in love.
While you are reading this e-mail, if someoneappears in your mind,then u are in love with that person.
Love Is Unseen


-Self is God to me
-Looking and realize when standing and sitting on the beach, how big GOD Almighty
-I will just get used to the things of quality in my life
-I am sure: God will surely bring hope and my goal ... I would have to meet all expectations and my ambition
-Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basic human desire to understand (Neil Armstrong)
-No matter what we do / the best of what we do is we dedicate / intend to GOD Almighty
-Do not ever afraid of anything except to GOD Almighty, we are afraid because we are wrong, we are brave and they are because we are right and hold prisip and self-control
-How do I find peace and quiet spirit quickly and easily ???.... and berdzikirlah Remember to GOD Almighty
-There is no reason for us not to give thanks
-Disaster was one; if the affected person is sad, then the disaster into two, namely one's own disaster and the second loss of the reward of disaster (disaster patient's)
-Rushing is from the devil
-How each disease there is no cure, and medications that sin is Istighfar

how to change the image baground blog undefined
2.menu layout
3.edit html
4.input this code in css
replace the yellow with the image url you like
padding:40px 20px;
font:x-small Georgia,Serif;
font-size/* */:/**/small;
font-size: /**/small;
5.save template
6.see ur blog
Try Please ^^

how to create a blog from blogger
2. open www.blogger.com
will show the picture
Click the big arrow that says CREATE A BLOG.

- The email address you enter must already exist before. You will be sent a confirmation to the email. If you use a fake email or email that a new plan will be created, then the application can fail. You do not need to use email gmail.com. Any email can be.
- Complete the other data.
- Check "I accept the Terms of Service" as evidence that you agree

- Clik continue
- If you are successful, you will be taken to a page as shown below. If you fail? Usually fail because you are wrong verification word. That is reasonable because the word verification is often difficult to read. The patient only, repeat until correct. I own up to repeated 3X.
- After you successfully register, you'll be taken to a page like the one in the picture below. Now you begin to create a blog with your name and address of your blog.
- For example, I named the blog is to name MelisaAurora, do not be suspicious, Hasna was my daughter. I chose the blog address with the address http://melisaaurora.blogspot.com/
- If you make a lens with the aim of promoting your product or affiliate products, so in choosing a name, must contain the name of the product or service that you offer. For example, if you want to sell my ebook, you can choose key words such as motivation, success, positive thinking, and the key words that match the other.
- You also can research the keywords that most sought-after people (of course must be related to the product you sell) on
- You can check availability of your blog address that you choose. If available can you continue. If not available, then you must be creative to find other names or modify existing addresses, for example added abc, xzy, 101, and can also insert yourname.
5. Select designs that match your tastes.