Friday, May 28, 2010

Grouping Basic Programming Language

0 komentar
If the source comes from the natural language is the language of construction will be similar to the real meaning.
It will certainly make it easier for programmers to program, especially for those who have not experienced.
Sometimes it can be ambiguous, because sometimes a lot of natural language that has many meanings. Example: SQL.

If the source comes from the language of mathematics would be very logical, mathematical, and full of functions and formulas. Example: MATLAB, Scilab, MathCad
If the source comes from an existing programming language, so programmers will be easier to use, especially when the language is formed comes from the already very famous.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Information Input and Output

0 komentar

  • Input devices translate our
    data and communications into
    a form that the computer can
  • The computer processes the
  • Output devices translate the
    data back into a form we can
Two types of keyboards
- Alphanumeric
  • Typical keyboard has 101 keys
  • 12 function keys
  • Special-function keys
  • Cursor-control key
- Special Function
  • Designed for specific application
  • Example: cash register
  • GUI lets you point and click
  • With a mouse you can draw,
    drag and drop, click, and
  • A mouse can have one or two
    buttons, and some have a
    wheel for scrolling
  • Scanners read and
    interpret information on
    printed matter
  • The information is
    converted to a format for
  • Optical character
    recognition (OCR)
    Reads coded information
    and text
    - Contact and Laser
    - Handheld
    - Label

Monday, May 24, 2010

Flag Register

0 komentar
Carry flag is generally composed of nine pieces
  • Flow Over Flag (OF): Value 1 if there is overflow (OV) and set to 0 (NV).
  • Sign Flag (SF): Distinguishing numbers marked. Positive numbers (PL) or a negative number (NG).
  • Zero Flag (ZF): Value 0, if the result is worth one operation.
  • Carry Flag (CF): Value 1 in case (borrow) on the subtraction operation or (carry) on the addition operation.
  • Parity Flag (PF): Value 1 if an even
  • Direction Flag: Used for string operations
  • Interupst Enable Flag (IF): If the value 0, meaning no interruption of running.
  • Trap Flag (TF): Used for debugging.
  • Auxiliary Flag (AF): Used in BCD operation



Isi Register



2105 5.A



2102 A.5



2103 5.A

LD A,00H

3e20 00

2106 A.5


c620 00

2109 5.A



2110 A.5

RST 08


2111 5.A

after entry into Z80 machine language, a road with a RESET command-MEM-RUN from step 0 to 7 to check the contents of registers

lets trY

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Definition Multimedia

0 komentar
The term multimedia is the combination of multiple words and the media. Multi word
means much or more than one, while the media has meant a means or tool for
communicate. So Multimedia means a system consisting of hardware, software
and other tools to support information processing. 1
In the electronics industry, Multimedia is a combination of computer and video
(Rosch, 1996) or multimedia in general is a combination of three elements, namely voice,
images, and text (McCornick, 1996) or Multimedia is a combination of the most
least two media inputs or from data, these media can be an audio (voice, music), animation,
video, text, graphics and images (Turban et al, 2002) or Multimedia is a tool that
can create dynamic and interactive presentation that combines text,
graphics, animation, audio, images and video (Robin and Linda, 2001)

A. Text (Text)
Text is one of the elements of multimedia which is helpful in
clarify information for consumers. In this text there are various kinds of
character is provided and its user depends on the ads or theme

B. Picture (Image)
Pictures or graphics is an important part in the multimedia world.
Because a picture can describe a thousand words. With a
pictures, messages can be expressed with more beautiful and easier.

C. Sound (Audio)
Several years ago, PC users are quite satisfied with the PC speakers
that only a certain tone at a time. In technology
multimedia, voice high enough to have a role when we consider the vision
The main multimedia information that is exploiting all the human senses, especially
eyes and ears.

D. Video
A composite video images to be read sequentially dead
in a time with a certain speed. These images are combined
is called the frame and the speed of reading is called a framed picture
rate, with units of fps (frames per second). Since playing in the speed
high then created the illusion of smooth motion, the greater the value of the frame rate
the more subtle movements of the displayed

Saturday, May 22, 2010


0 komentar

one's personality or character that can be identified with the personality test.
it all starts from the environment and education of parents. everyone has a different personality to another. It consists of four personality types of people sanguinis, pleghmantis, korelis, and melancholy

want to test your personality?
please download this file Personality

Introduction to HTML

2 komentar
HTML or HyperText Markup Language is one of the format used in the production of documents and applications that are running are at the web. HTML is a pure text file that can be created with any text editor. This document is known as a web page, the HTML document is a document that is presented in a web browser. There are two ways of writing an HTML document which will form the a browser page. The first is to use HTML editor or web editor, and the second uses ordinary text editor like notepad.
There is now a lot of application packages that can be used to create web pages in a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) such as FrontPage, Dreamweaver, etc, you still have to master HTML tags that are used primarily to create applications on the Internet because they inevitably you will be working in text mode editor if you would insert any HTML script.

HTML and HTML document naming
In naming a document that will be displayed on web browser use the name must end with extension (. Html) or (. Htm). Extension of the HTML document was originally three characters, is to accommodate the naming system in DOS. In a document given name is case sensitive so that documents with names will be different from the document a.html A.html.
Prior to further study the HTML tags is a good idea first to see the color code that is often used in writing HTML tags. HTML color settings are at using a combination mode RGB (red, green, blue) in which each color is displayed in two digit hexadecimal values (0,1,2, ... F). Every part of the two digit code indicates the number of intensity of red color combination , green and blue. For example in 2000 the first two digits means no red color and so on.

White # FFFFFF
Black # 000 000
Red # FF0000
Green # 00FF00
Blue # 0000FF
Magenta # FF00FF

HTML Tag Element and Definition
An HTML document prepared by some element, or better known as the basic components. Elements can be either pure text, or instead of text, or both. Elements or parts eg head, body, paragraphs, lists etc..
To mark an element in an HTML document used tags. ,lebih besar), contoh

, tag pada umumnya berpasangan (misalnya


), tanda" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">HTML tags consist of a left angle brackets (<, smaller), name tags, the right angle brackets (>, greater),

example, tags are generally in pairs (eg

with ), mark / on the tag pair gives a sign that the tag is the final barrier element that was opened by the initial tag.
The name of the element indicated by the name of the tags. An element usually marked with a tag partner, although there is some element name is marked with a tag without having pairs. Among them are:
  • " onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Paragraph tags

  • " onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Replace the line - the line break tags
  • " onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Flat line - a horizontal rule tags
  • " onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">List item tags

... selain itu dalam penamaan tag tidak menganut case sensitive." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">So in general the writing of a tag is name> tag> ... other than that in the naming of the tags did not subscribe to case sensitive.
In making the basic elements of an HTML document that must be owned is the html tag, head tag and tag body. Head element contains information about the document, while the body element contains the text and / or other elements. Or more details as follows:

" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">
" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">
Document information .... ....
" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">
" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">
That the information in the show ....
on the browser page .....
" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">
" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">

Use Tags and Tag Attributes
In making the writing element of an HTML document that begins and ends mark the HTML tags, have a writing requirement, namely:
  • )" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">HTML tags are enclosed in angle brackets with two characters ()
  • ...)" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">HTML tags are normally always in pairs eg (Addons ...)
  • ...)" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Tag pertama dalam suatu pasangan adalah tag awal, dan tag yang kedua merupakan tag akhir...)" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">
  • ...)" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Tag html tidak ‘case sensitive’. sama dengan
    ...)" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">
  • ...)" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Jika dalam suatu tag ada tag lagi, maka penulisan tag akhir tidak boleh bersilang harus berurutan. Misalnya ..Tebal dan Miring..

Physical Implemantation Of Ethernet

0 komentar

Most of the traffic on the Internet originates and ends with Ethernet connections. Since its inception in the 1970s, Ethernet has evolved to meet the increased demand for high-speed LANs. When optical fiber media was introduced, Ethernet adapted to this new technology to take advantage of the superior bandwidth and low error rate that fiber offers. Today, the same protocol that transported data at 3 Mbps can carry data at 10 Gbps.

The success of Ethernet is due to the following factors:
  • Simplicity and ease of maintenance
  • Ability to incorporate new technologies
  • Reliability
  • Low cost of installation and upgrade

The introduction of Gigabit Ethernet has extended the original LAN technology to distances that make Ethernet a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and WAN standard.

As a technology associated with the Physical layer, Ethernet specifies and implements encoding and decoding schemes that enable frame bits to be carried as signals across the media. Ethernet devices make use of a broad range of cable and connector specifications.

In today's networks, Ethernet uses UTP copper cables and optical fiber to interconnect network devices via intermediary devices such as hubs and switches. With all of the various media types that Ethernet supports , the Ethernet frame structure remains consistent across all of its physical implementations. It is for this reason that it can evolve to meet today's networking requirements.

MAC - Getting data to the Media

0 komentar
Media Access Control (MAC) is the lower Ethernet sublayer of the Data Link layer. Media Access Control is implemented by hardware, typically in the computer Network Interface Card (NIC).

The Ethernet MAC sublayer has two primary responsibilities:
Data Encapsulation
Media Access Control

Data Encapsulation

Data encapsulation provides three primary functions:
Frame delimiting
Error detection

The data encapsulation process includes frame assembly before transmission and frame parsing upon reception of a frame. In forming the frame, the MAC layer adds a header and trailer to the Layer 3 PDU. The use of frames aids in the transmission of bits as they are placed on the media and in the grouping of bits at the receiving node.

The framing process provides important delimiters that are used to identify a group of bits that make up a frame. This process provides synchronization between the transmitting and receiving nodes.

The encapsulation process also provides for Data Link layer addressing. Each Ethernet header added in the frame contains the physical address (MAC address) that enables a frame to be delivered to a destination node.

An additional function of data encapsulation is error detection. Each Ethernet frame contains a trailer with a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of the frame contents. After reception of a frame, the receiving node creates a CRC to compare to the one in the frame. If these two CRC calculations match, the frame can be trusted to have been received without error.

Media Access Control

The MAC sublayer controls the placement of frames on the media and the removal of frames from the media. As its name implies, it manages the media access control. This includes the initiation of frame transmission and recovery from transmission failure due to collisions.

Logical Topology

The underlying logical topology of Ethernet is a multi-access bus. This means that all the nodes (devices) in that network segment share the medium. This further means that all the nodes in that segment receive all the frames transmitted by any node on that segment.

Because all the nodes receive all the frames, each node needs to determine if a frame is to be accepted and processed by that node. This requires examining the addressing in the frame provided by the MAC address.
Ethernet provides a method for determining how the nodes share access to the media. The media access control method for classic Ethernet is Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD). This method is described later in the chapter.


0 komentar
Ethernet standart and implementation

IEEE Standards
The first LAN in the world was the original version of Ethernet. Robert Metcalfe and his coworkers at Xerox designed it more than thirty years ago. The first Ethernet standard was published in 1980 by a consortium of Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel, and Xerox (DIX). Metcalfe wanted Ethernet to be a shared standard from which everyone could benefit, and therefore it was released as an open standard. The first products that were developed from the Ethernet standard were sold in the early 1980s.

In 1985, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards committee for Local and Metropolitan Networks published standards for LANs. These standards start with the number 802. The standard for Ethernet is 802.3. The IEEE wanted to make sure that its standards were compatible with those of the International Standards Organization (ISO) and OSI model. To ensure compatibility, the IEEE 802.3 standards had to address the needs of Layer 1 and the lower portion of Layer 2 of the OSI model. As a result, some small modifications to the original Ethernet standard were made in 802.3.

Ethernet operates in the lower two layers of the OSI model: the of the Data Link layer and the Physical layer.

Ethernet Layer 1 and Layer 2
Ethernet operates across two layers of the OSI model. The model provides a reference to which Ethernet can be related but it is actually implemented in the lower half of the Data Link layer, which is known as the Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer, and the Physical layer only.

Ethernet at Layer 1 involves signals, bit streams that travel on the media, physical components that put signals on media, and various topologies. Ethernet Layer 1 performs a key role in the communication that takes place between devices, but each of its functions has limitations.

As the figure shows, Ethernet at Layer 2 addresses these limitations. The Data Link sublayers contribute significantly to technological compatibility and computer communications. The MAC sublayer is concerned with the physical components that will be used to communicate the information and prepares the data for transmission over the media..

The Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer remains relatively independent of the physical equipment that will be used for the communication process.

Ethernet separates the functions of the Data Link layer into two distinct sublayers: the Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer and the Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer. The functions described in the OSI model for the Data Link layer are assigned to the LLC and MAC sublayers. The use of these sublayers contributes significantly to compatibility between diverse end devices.

For Ethernet, the IEEE 802.2 standard describes the LLC sublayer functions, and the 802.3 standard describes the MAC sublayer and the Physical layer functions. Logical Link Control handles the communication between the upper layers and the networking software, and the lower layers, typically the hardware. The LLC sublayer takes the network protocol data, which is typically an IPv4 packet, and adds control information to help deliver the packet to the destination node. Layer 2 communicates with the upper layers through LLC.

LLC is implemented in software, and its implementation is independent of the physical equipment. In a computer, the LLC can be considered the driver software for the Network Interface Card (NIC). The NIC driver is a program that interacts directly with the hardware on the NIC to pass the data between the media and the Media Access Control sublayer.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Embedded System

0 komentar

Definisi : An embedded system is an application that contains at least one programmable computer (typically in the form of a microcontroller, a microprocessor or digital signal processor chip) and which is used by individuals who are, in the main, unaware that the system is computer-based.
  • žElectronic devices that incorporate a computer (usually a microprocessor) within their implementation.
  • žA computer is used in such devices primarily as a means to simplify the system design and to provide flexibility.
  • žOften the user of the device is not even aware that a computer is present.
Real Time Embedded System
  • žsistem yang mempunyai jadwal yang harus ditepati
  • žMacam-macam real time system:
hard real time : keterlambatan data berakibat fatal
soft real time : keterlambatan data tidak berakibat fatal

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Basic VLAN Configuration (Activity 3.5.1)

1 komentar

Switch 1
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#hostname S1
S1(config)#enable secret class
S1(config)#line console 0
S1(config-line)#password cisco
S1(config-line)#line vty 0 15
S1(config-line)#password cisco
S1(config)#no ip domain-lookup
S1(config)#vlan 99
S1(config-vlan)#name Management&Native
S1(config)#vlan 10
S1(config-vlan)#name Faculty/Staff
S1(config)#vlan 20
S1(config-vlan)#name Students
S1(config)#vlan 30
S1(config-vlan)#name Guest(Default)
S1(config)#interface vlan 99
S1(config-if)#ip address
S1(config-if)#no shutdown
S1(config)#interface fa0/1
S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S1(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99
S1(config-if)#interface fa0/2
S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S1(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99
S1#show interface trunk

Switch 2
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#hostname S2
S2(config)#enable secret class
S2(config)#line console 0
S2(config-line)#password cisco
S2(config-line)#line vty 0 15
S2(config-line)#password cisco
S2(config)#no ip domain-lookup
S2(config)#vlan 99
S2(config-vlan)#name Management&Native
S2(config)#vlan 10
S2(config-vlan)#name Faculty/Staff
S2(config)#vlan 20
S2(config-vlan)#name Students
S2(config)#vlan 30
S2(config-vlan)#name Guest(Default)
S2(config)#interface fastEthernet0/6
S2(config-if)#switchport access vlan 30
S2(config-if)#interface fastEthernet0/11
S2(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
S2(config-if)#interface fastEthernet0/18
S2(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
S2#copy running-config startup-config
S2#conf t
S2(config)#interface vlan 99
S2(config-if)#ip address
S2(config-if)#no shutdown
S2(config)#interface fa0/1
S2(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S2(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99
S2#configure terminal
S2(config)#interface fastethernet 0/11
S2(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20

Switch 3
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#hostname S3
S3(config)#enable secret class
S3(config)#line console 0
S3(config-line)#password cisco
S3(config-line)#line vty 0 15
S3(config-line)#password cisco
S3(config)#no ip domain-lookup
S3(config)#vlan 99
S3(config-vlan)#name Management&Native
S3(config)#vlan 10
S3(config-vlan)#name Faculty/Staff
S3(config)#vlan 20
S3(config-vlan)#name Students
S3(config)#vlan 30
S3(config-vlan)#name Guest(Default)
S3(config)#interface fastEthernet0/6
S3(config-if)#switchport access vlan 30
S3(config-if)#interface fastEthernet0/11
S3(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
S3(config-if)#interface fastEthernet0/18
S3(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
S3#copy running-config startup-config
S3#conf t
S3(config)#interface vlan 99
S3(config-if)#ip address
S3(config-if)#no shutdown
S3(config)#interface fa0/2
S3(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S3(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DNS and Protocol Part II

0 komentar
DNS is a client/server service; however, it differs from the other client/server services that we are examining. While other services use a client that is an application (such as web browser, e-mail client), the DNS client runs as a service itself. The DNS client, sometimes called the DNS resolver, supports name resolution for our other network applications and other services that need it.

When configuring a network device, we generally provide one or more DNS Server addresses that the DNS client can use for name resolution. Usually the Internet service provider provides the addresses to use for the DNS servers. When a user's application requests to connect to a remote device by name, the requesting DNS client queries one of these name servers to resolve the name to a numeric address.

Computer operating systems also have a utility called nslookup that allows the user to manually query the name servers to resolve a given host name. This utility can also be used to troubleshoot name resolution issues and to verify the current status of the name servers.

In the figure, when the nslookup is issued, the default DNS server configured for your host is displayed. In this example, the DNS server is which has an address of

We then can type the name of a host or domain for which we wish to get the address. In the first query in the figure, a query is made for The responding name server provides the address of
The queries shown in the figure are only simple tests. The nslookup has many options available for extensive testing and verification of the DNS process.

A DNS server provides the name resolution using the name daemon, which is often called named, (pronounced name-dee).

The DNS server stores different types of resource records used to resolve names. These records contain the name, address, and type of record.

Some of these record types are:
A - an end device address
NS - an authoritative name server
CNAME - the canonical name (or Fully Qualified Domain Name) for an alias; used when multiple services have the single network address but each service has its own entry in DNS
MX - mail exchange record; maps a domain name to a list of mail exchange servers for that domain

When a client makes a query, the server's "named" process first looks at its own records to see if it can resolve the name. If it is unable to resolve the name using its stored records, it contacts other servers in order to resolve the name.

The request may be passed along to a number of servers, which can take extra time and consume bandwidth. Once a match is found and returned to the original requesting server, the server temporarily stores the numbered address that matches the name in cache.

If that same name is requested again, the first server can return the address by using the value stored in its name cache. Caching reduces both the DNS query data network traffic and the workloads of servers higher up the hierarchy. The DNS Client service on Windows PCs optimizes the performance of DNS name resolution by storing previously resolved names in memory, as well. The ipconfig /displaydns command displays all of the cached DNS entries on a Windows XP or 2000 computer system.

The Domain Name System uses a hierarchical system to create a name database to provide name resolution. The hierarchy looks like an inverted tree with the root at the top and branches below.

At the top of the hierarchy, the root servers maintain records about how to reach the top-level domain servers, which in turn have records that point to the secondary level domain servers and so on.

The different top-level domains represent the either the type of organization or the country or origin. Examples of top-level domains are:
.au - Australia
.co - Colombia
.com - a business or industry
.jp - Japan
.org - a non-profit organization

After top-level domains are second-level domain names, and below them are other lower level domains.

Each domain name is a path down this inverted tree starting from the root.

For example, as shown in the figure, the root DNS server may not know exactly where the e-mail server is located, but it maintains a record for the "com" domain within the top-level domain. Likewise, the servers within the "com" domain may not have a record for, but they do have a record for the "" domain. The servers within the domain have a record (a MX record to be precise) for

The Domain Name System relies on this hierarchy of decentralized servers to store and maintain these resource records. The resource records list domain names that the server can resolve and alternative servers that can also process requests. If a given server has resource records that correspond to its level in the domain hierarchy, it is said to be authoritative for those records.

For example, a name server in the domain would not be authoritative for the record because that record is held at a higher domain level server, specifically the name server in the domain.


DNS Services and ProtocOl

0 komentar
Now that we have a better understanding of how applications provide an interface for the user and provide access to the network, we will take a look at some specific commonly used protocols.

As we will see later in this course, the Transport layer uses an addressing scheme called a port number. Port numbers identify applications and Application layer services that are the source and destination of data. Server programs generally use predefined port numbers that are commonly known by clients. As we examine the different TCP/IP Application layer protocols and services, we will be referring to the TCP and UDP port numbers normally associated with these services. Some of these services are:
Domain Name System (DNS) - TCP/UDP Port 53
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - TCP Port 80
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - TCP Port 25
Post Office Protocol (POP) - UDP Port 110
Telnet - TCP Port 23
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - UDP Port 67
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - TCP Ports 20 and 21


In data networks, devices are labeled with numeric IP addresses, so that they can participate in sending and receiving messages over the network. However, most people have a hard time remembering this numeric address. Hence, domain names were created to convert the numeric address into a simple, recognizable name.
On the Internet these domain names, such as , are much easier for people to remember than, which is the actual numeric address for this server. Also, if Cisco decides to change the numeric address, it is transparent to the user, since the domain name will remain . The new address will simply be linked to the existing domain name and connectivity is maintained. When networks were small, it was a simple task to maintain the mapping between domain names and the addresses they represented. However, as networks began to grow and the number of devices increased, this manual system became unworkable.

The Domain Name System (DNS) was created for domain name to address resolution for these networks. DNS uses a distributed set of servers to resolve the names associated with these numbered addresses.

The DNS protocol defines an automated service that matches resource names with the required numeric network address. It includes the format for queries, responses, and data formats. DNS protocol communications use a single format called a message. This message format is used for all types of client queries and server responses, error messages, and the transfer of resource record information between servers.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Configuring VLANs and Trunks(3.3.4)

1 komentar
Learning Objectives
1.View the default VLAN configuration.
2.Configure VLANs.
3.Assign VLANs to ports.
4.Configure trunking.

setting on S1
go to CLI
S1#config t
S1(config)#vlan 10
S1(config-vlan)#name Faculty/Staff
S1(config-vlan)#vlan 20
S1(config-vlan)#name Students
S1(config-vlan)#vlan 30
S1(config-vlan)#name Guest(Default)
S1(config-vlan)#vlan 99
S1(config-vlan)#name Management&Native
S1#show vlan brief
S1#conf t
S1(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1
S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S1(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99
S1(config-if)#interface FastEthernet 0/3
S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S1(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99

setting on S2
go to CLI
S2#config t
S2(config)#vlan 10
S2(config-vlan)#name Faculty/Staff
S2(config-vlan)#vlan 20
S2(config-vlan)#name Students
S2(config-vlan)#vlan 30
S2(config-vlan)#name Guest(Default)
S2(config-vlan)#vlan 99
S2(config-vlan)#name Management&Native
S2#show vlan brief
S2#config t
S2(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/6
S2(config-if)#switchport mode access
S2(config-if)#switchport access vlan 30
S2(config-if)#interface fastEthernet 0/11
S2(config-if)#switchport mode access
S2(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
S2(config-if)#interface fastEthernet 0/18
S2(config-if)#switchport mode access
S2(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
S2#conf t
S2(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1
S2(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S2(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99

setting on S3
go to CLI
S3#conf t
S3(config)#vlan 10
S3(config-vlan)#name Faculty/Staff
S3(config-vlan)#vlan 20
S3(config-vlan)#name Students
S3(config-vlan)#vlan 30
S3(config-vlan)#name Guest(Default)
S3(config-vlan)#vlan 99
S3(config-vlan)#name Management&Native
S3#show vlan brief
S3#conf t
S3(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/6
S3(config-if)#switchport mode access
S3(config-if)#switchport access vlan 30
S3(config-if)#interface fastEthernet 0/11
S3(config-if)#switchport mode access
S3(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
S3(config-if)#interface fastEthernet 0/18
S3(config-if)#switchport mode access
S3(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
S3#conf t
S3(config-if)#int fa0/3
S3(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S3(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99

Friday, May 7, 2010

how to set topology vlan 99

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Learning Objectives
Establish console connection to switch.
Configure hostname and VLAN99.
Configure the clock.
Modify the history buffer.
Configure passwords and console/Telnet access.
Configure login banners.
Configure the router.
Configure the boot sequence.
Solve duplex and speed mismatch.
Manage the MAC address table.
Configure port security.
Secure unused ports.
Manage the switch configuration file.

Connect a console cable to S1.
For this activity, direct access to S1 Config and CLI tabs is disabled. You must establish a console session through PC1. Connect a console cable from PC1 to S1.
Establish a terminal session.
From PC1, open a Terminal window and use the default Terminal Configuration. You should now have access to the CLI for S1.
Switch#config term
Switch(config)#hostname S1
S1(config)#int fa0/1
S1(config-if)#switchport mode access
S1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 99
S1(config)#interface vlan99
S1(config-if)#ip address
S1(config-if)#no sh
S1(config)#ip default-gateway
S1(config)#line console 0
S1(config-line)#history size 50
S1(config-line)#line vty 0 15
S1(config-line)#history size 50
S1(config)#enable secret class
S1(config)#line console 0
S1(config-line)#password cisco
S1(config-line)#line vty 0 15
S1(config-line)#password cisco
S1(config)#service password-encryption
S1(config)#banner motd &Authorized Access Only&
S1#show flas
Directory of flash:/

1 -rw- 4414921 c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.FX.bin
3 -rw- 4670455 c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.SEE1.bin
2 -rw- 616 vlan.dat

32514048 bytes total (23428056 bytes free)
S1#config term
S1(config)#interface fa 0/18
S1(config-if)#speed 100
S1(config-if)#duplex full
S1(config)#mac-address-table static 0060.3ee6.1659 vlan 99 int fa 0/18
S1(config)#int fa0/18
S1(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1
S1(config-if)#switchport port-security violation shutdown
S1(config)#int fa 0/18
S1(config)#int range fa0/2 - 4
S1(config-if-range)#int range gi 1/1 - 2
S1#config term
S1(config)#int fa 0/24
S1(config-if)#speed 100
S1(config-if)#duplex full

Configure the Router
Configure the router with the same basic commands you used on S1.
Routers and switches share many of the same commands. Access the CLI for R1 by clicking the device. Do the following on R1:
Configure the hostname.
Set the history buffer to 50 for both console and vty.
Configure the encrypted form of the privileged EXEC mode password and set the password to class.
Set the console and vty password to cisco and require users to log in.
Encrypt the console and vty passwords.
Configure the message-of-the-day as Authorized Access Only.
Move the console cable to reconnect PC1 to S1.

Router#conf term
Router(config)#hostname R1
R1(config)#line console 0
R1(config-line)#history size 50
R1(config-line)#line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)#history size 50
R1(config)#enable secret class
R1(config)#line console 0
R1(config-line)#password cisco
R1(config-line)#line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)#password cisco
R1(config)#banner motd &Authorized Access Ony&
R1(config)#service password-encryption
R1(config)#banner motd &Authorized Access Only&
R1#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...

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