Friday, March 26, 2010

Creating Windows Live CD with BART PE

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System Operation Live CD is the operating system that will automatically run on the CD, without the need to help drive.

One company that has entered this technology is Linux, for example, Knoppix, Fedora Core etc..

With a Live CD operating system, you can remove the traces of the parent virus files very easily. Just need a bit of coffee and a cigarette, then the seeds Itupun virus can be eliminated immediately.

Just to remind, SO Live CD is only used to delete files parent virus. Whether it is hidden and super hidden.
As for his registry repair needed other media, such as HijackThis, Script, OptixPro Trojans, etc..

Many ways to create a windows live CD, including with the help of software Pebuilder, the process was fairly easy. One way to make the Windows Live CD with the help of BartPE software which can be downloaded at # download.

Following steps:

1. Install Pebuilder.exe, until finished.
2. Master Copy software in windows xp disk so that the process faster.
3. Collect additional software that will participate in a copy in a folder (eg in D: \ Master Software \ Win Old. It is advisable to add the software that the software ready to use / do not need to install, eg category Antivirus: PCMAV, cleaner AVG, Avast Cleaner, Norman Cleaner, McAfee Stinger, etc.. Also a master software is often used to handle computer problems, among others: regcleaner or cclener for registry and other improvements.
4. Complete all the important software package of the PE Builder (for versions that include the Pebuilder3110a: adware se, McAfee Stinger, Bginfo, McAfee command line, IrfanView, etc.) input into the pluggins Pebuilder you have available, and then read the information in the original enablekan.Lengkapnya the

5. The process of making a Live CD: Run Pebuilder already installed. Will appear as follows:

Explanation: Source: the place of Master Windows XP.
Custom: the file that will be added to the copy to cd
Output: the result of the burn process is stored in the pc.
Pluggins: the utilities included in Pebuilder.
6. For the burn to cd, select the option â € œBurn to CD / DVD and then began to burn with a press the build button, wait until the process is complete.

7. To try Live CD, change the process of booting the PC in the bios to first boot via the CD, restart the PC and see the results


in a way that is almost similar but with the help of nero for his memburning

Image Process Windows

1. Insert the Windows XP CD
2. Click I Agree to the strange rules that appear

3. Click No to the bid that appears

4. The contents of the available space according to the image below:

5. Click Build, and click Yes in the confirmation that appears

6. Click I Agree to the following appears
7. Let the process run until completion

8. If completed, will be marked with the words Save the log to ... ... at the end the process

Process Windows PE CD

1. Blank CD Set
2. Make sure the program is installed nero
3. In the burning options, select Burn Image To Disc

4. Windows PE image file of your new duat earlier, had been stored in C: \ pebuilder3110a \ pebuilder.iso. ...
Select file pebuilder.iso and click Open. See picture:

5. Finally, click Burn to begin the process and allow the process to finish.
6. OK, consider aja done, to test you must enter the BIOS and set the first Boot from CDROM.
7. Good luck

source: and

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

basic programming language c + +

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A simple example program from c + + to show hallo
Try n try this script

printf("Struktur Data S1 TI 2D\n coba aja\n");
printf("melisa 08.11.2132");

c++ on pointers

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Pointer (variable pointer) is a variable that contains the memory address of a different variable.This address is the location of other objects (usually other variables) in the memory. For example, if a variable contains the address of another variable, the first variable is said pointing to the second variable.

example script c++ pointer DOWNLOAD HERE

script C++ sTudent login

1 komentar
typedef struct Date{
int Hari [10];
int dd;
char mm[15];
int yyyy;
typedef struct Time{
int h;
int m;
int s;
typedef struct Login{
char ID;
Time waktuLogin;
Date tglLogin;
int main(){
Login user1;
printf("USER 1\n");
printf("Tanggal Login\n");
printf("\nID : ");scanf("%d",&user1.ID);
printf("Hari : ");scanf("%s",&user1.tglLogin.Hari);
printf("Tangal : ");scanf("%d",&user1.tglLogin.dd);
printf("Bulan : ");scanf("%s",&;
printf("Tahun : ");scanf("%d",&user1.tglLogin.yyyy);
printf("\nWaktu Login\n");
printf("\nJam : ");scanf("%d",&user1.waktuLogin.h);
printf("Menit : ");scanf("%d",&user1.waktuLogin.m);
printf("Detik : ");scanf("%d",&user1.waktuLogin.s);
printf("\nData Anda :\n");
printf("ID : %d\n",user1.ID);
printf("Date : %s %d-%s-%d\n",user1.tglLogin.Hari,user1.tglLogin.dd,,user1.tglLogin.yyyy);
printf("ID : %d:%d:%d\n",user1.waktuLogin.h,user1.waktuLogin.m,user1.waktuLogin.s);


2 komentar
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

class Orang {
String nama = "Noname";
char gender = 'L';
int umur;
void setNama(String n) { //mutator
nama = n;
void setGender(char g) {
gender = g;
void setUmur(int u) {
umur = u;
String getNama() { //accessor
return nama;
char getGender() {
return gender;
int getUmur() {
return umur;
void berjalan() {
System.out.println(nama + " sedang berjalan");

public class ContohOrang {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Orang orang1 = new Orang();
orang1.nama=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name :");
orang1.umur = 64;
System.out.println("Data orang1:");
System.out.println("nama : " + orang1.nama);
System.out.println("gender : " + orang1.gender);
System.out.println("umur : " + orang1.umur);
Orang orang2 = new Orang();
System.out.println("Data orang2:");
System.out.println("nama : " + orang2.getNama());
System.out.println("gender : " + orang2.getGender());
System.out.println("umur : " + orang2.getUmur());

java programming language script Face Expression

0 komentar
try running this script
happy coding

class EkspresiWajah {
public String respons() {
return ("Lihatlah reaksi wajah saya\n");

class Gembira extends EkspresiWajah {
public String respons() {
return ("Ha ha..hi hi..saya sedang gembira\n");

class Sedih extends EkspresiWajah {
public String respons() {
return ("Hik..hik...teganya dia berbuat itu..\n");

class Marah extends EkspresiWajah {
public String respons() {
return ("Hei..jangan dekati saya!!!\n");

public class EkspresiEmosional {

/**Main Method*/
public static void main( String [] args ) {
System.out.println("\nDEMO POLIMORFI");
// Membuat objek-objek ekspresi dari wajah
EkspresiWajah objEkspresi = new EkspresiWajah();
Gembira objGembira = new Gembira();
Sedih objSedih = new Sedih();
Marah objMarah = new Marah();

// Menyatakan objek-objek ekspresi tersebut menjadi
// suatu daftar ekspresi
EkspresiWajah [] ekspresi = new EkspresiWajah[4];
ekspresi[0] = objEkspresi;
ekspresi[1] = objGembira;
ekspresi[2] = objSedih;
ekspresi[3] = objMarah;

// Polymorfi membuat EkspresiWajah menjadi terlihat memiliki
// beberapa tingkah laku/kondisi yang berbeda-beda.
System.out.println( "Ekspresi[0]: " + ekspresi[0].respons());
System.out.println( "Ekspresi[1]: " + ekspresi[1].respons());
System.out.println( "Ekspresi[2]: " + ekspresi[2].respons());
System.out.println( "Ekspresi[3]: " + ekspresi[3].respons());

Monday, March 22, 2010

step simple java programming

0 komentar
step simple java programming
1.specify construktor
2.method for program

example scricp simple program

class Test {
// field
private String a;
private String b;
private int c;

// constructor : dgn brp cara kita bisa membuat object dr class
// inisialisasi : penentuan kondisi awal
Test() {


Test(String a, String b, int c) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;

void coba1() {
System.out.println("Coba : " + a);

int coba2() {
return c;

// accessor
public String getA() {
return a;

// mutator
public void setA(String a) {
this.a = a;

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Minang Song

0 komentar

Saturday, March 20, 2010

VALUE Classless Inter-domain Routing

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VALUE Classless Inter-domain Routing

Subnet Mask Nilai CIDR /8 /9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 /17 /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 /25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Host-to-Host Communication Model Layer OSI

0 komentar

7 Application layer functions as the interface with the applications with network functionality, manage how applications can access the network, and then make an error message. Protocols that are in this layer is the HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and NFS.

6 Presentation Layer Functions to translate the data to be transmitted by the application into a format that can be transmitted through the network. Protocols that are in this level is redirektor software (Redirector software), such as the Workstation service (in Windows NT) and Network shell (like Virtual Network Computing (VNC) or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)).

5 Session Layer Functions to define how connections can be created, maintained, or destroyed.In addition, at this level of name resolution is also performed.

4 Transport Layer function to divide data into packets and provides sequence numbers to packets that can be rearranged on the purpose of receipt. In addition, at this level also makes a sign that the packet is received successfully (Acknowledge), and re terhadp transmit packets that are lost in the middle of the road.

3 Network layer function to define the IP addresses, create a header for the packets, and then make internetworking routing through the router and using layer-3 switches.

2 data-link layer Befungsi to determine how the data bits are grouped into a format called a frame. In addition, this occurs at the level error correction, flow control, addressing hardware (such as Media Access Control Address (MAC Address)), and determine how the network devices such as hubs, bridges, repeaters, and Layer 2 switches operate. IEEE 802, divide this level into two levels, that is, layers of Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control layer (MAC).

1 Physical layer function to define the network transmission media, signaling methods, synchronization bits, network architecture (such as Ethernet or Token Ring), network topology and pengabelan. In addition, this level also defines how the Network Interface Card (NIC) can interact with the cable or radio media.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Release

0 komentar

The membership organization CompactFlash Association, which is in charge of managing the standardized enclosure of the CompactFlash (CF) mass storage devices, has made public an update with the 5.0 specification for this type of products with a clear improvement: A greater storage capacity that now could reach (in theory) up to 144 petabytes. Although it will be very complicated we see CF cards with this capacity, the new range of 48-bit addresses will allow to overcome the limitations of the previous specifications.

Shigeto Kanda, Canon representative and CFA chairman of the board (by the way, the CompactFlash Association website is a really really basic and old-fashioned site), pointed out that “the higher capacity and higher performance of CF cards enabled by the 48-bit addressing feature in the CF5.0 specification will further increase the value of DSLR cameras. The Video Performance Guarantee feature of the CF5.0 specification will help CF cards to expand into new markets such as high-speed movie equipment like professional video camcorders.”

· 1 Bit = Binary Digit
· 8 Bits = 1 Byte
· 1000 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte
· 1000 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
· 1000 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
· 1000 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
· 1000 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
· 1000 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte
· 1000 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
· 1000 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte
· 1000 Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte
· 1000 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Memory Management part II

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Dynamic linking requires operating system support. If the processes in memory protected each other, only the operating system that can check whether the required routine in memory. The operating system can also allow many processes access the same address memroy.


Overlay is to divide the program into parts and then store instructions and data required in the main memory. Overlay does not require support from the operating system.

Logical and Physical Address Space

Logical address is the memory address derived by the CPU. Physical address is the actual memory addresses used by the memory unit. At compile time and load time, logical and physical address pointing the same address, but at a different execution time. At the logical address is called a virtual address. A logical collection of addresses that is derived by a program called a logical address space and the collection of physical addresses associated with the logical address space is called physicall address. Run-time occurs from the virtual address mapping to a physical address by the MMU (Memory Management Unit).


Swapping is the process of moving a program in memory to a disk and then called back into memory to continue execution.

Contigous Allocation

The main memory is usually divided into 2 parts, the part for containing the operating system (always in memory) with an interrupt vector and the rest to the user process.
Single-Partition Allocation

It takes a protection against the code and data operating system to a change that occurs by the process of user memory and also protection of the processes of the user. Was used for relocation scheme limit-register and register. Relocation register contains value of smallest physical address and limit registers contain values of logical address ranges. Each logical address value must be less than the limit register. Relocation register provides a way to measure the code from the operating system can dynamically change the memory.

Memory Management

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Basic Concepts
To improve the utility of the CPU and the speed of computer response to the user, several processes must be in memory, so that the transfer of data from / to main memory to / from the CPU can be efficient. But the capacity of the memory is not enough to save all parts of the process, the required memory settings so that the memory can be used as efficiently as possible.

Address Binding
A program is in the disk in the form of executable binary files. Programs must be brought into memory and inserted in a process that can be executed. At the time the program is placed in the memory it is necessary to add memory location address for the program.

Merger address with instruction and data memory addresses can occur when:

a.Compile Time
At compile time, can know the absolute address of the memory can be known before the execution, it can be done at the initial binding.

b.Load Time
If memory absolute address is unknown at compile time then the binding delayed until load time.

c.Execution Time
If an address change process for execution from one memory segment to another segment of the memory-binding postponed until run time (execution time).

Dynamic Loading

Dynamic loading is the placement of the parts is an important program or necessary to the memory. A routine will not be loaded into memory before it was called. All routine stored in the disk while the main programs loaded into memory and executed. The advantage of dynamic loading that the routine has not been used even if not loaded into memory.

Dynamic loading does not require special assistance from the operating system, only depending on the design of the program that created the user.

Dynamic Linking

The concept of dynamic linking with dynamic loading. Dynamic linking library system applies, which if all the programs in the system not to use this feature it will spend the disk and memory capacity for each program must duplicate libraries for each language included in its executable image. Stub is used as a reference library-routine in the image. Stub is a small program code that is used to indicate the exact location of the library-routine in the memory or a way to load the library if the routine does not exist.

how to set a password on the router

0 komentar
Router#config term
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#hostname Router1
Router1(config)#enable secret class
Router1(config)#line console 0
Router1(config-line)#password cisco
Router1(config-line)#line vty 0 4
Router1(config-line)#password cisco
Router1(config-lineinterface fa0/0)# Router1(config-if)#ip address
Router1(config-if)#no shutdown
Router1(config-if)#description connection to host1
Router1(config-if)#interface fa0/1
Router1(config-if)#description connection to switch1
Router1(config-if)#ip address
Router1(config-if)#no shutdown

Monday, March 1, 2010


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